
QA-GNN (2021 Jure Leskovec)

0. Abstract

- challenge

methods need to

  1. identify relevant knowledge from large KGs
  2. perform joint reasoning over the QA context and KG

    - key innovations of QA-GNN

  3. relevance scoring use LMs to estimate the importance of KG nodes relative to the given QA context
  4. joint reasoning connect the QA context and KG to form a joint graph, and mutually update their representations

1. Introduction

QA must be able to reason over relevant knowledge

challenges of combining LM and KG

  1. identify informative knowledge from a large KG
  2. capture the nuance of the QA context and the structure of the KGs to perform joint reasoning over these two sources of information

limitations of previous work

  1. Previous works retrieve a subgraph from the KG by taking topic entities (KG entities mentioned in the given QA context) and their few-hop neighbors.

    this introduces many entity nodes that are semantically irrelevant to the QA context, especially when the number of topic entities or hops increases.

  2. existing LM+KG methods for reasoning treat the QA context and KG as two separate modalities


  1. relevance scoring score each entity on the KG subgraph(few-hop neighbors of topic entities)

    score their relevance to the given QA context through a pre-trained LM

  2. joint reasoning view the QA context as an additional node (QA context node)

    • joint graph –> working graph unifies two modalities into one graph

    • augment the feature of each node with the relevance score

    • design a new attention-based GNN module for reasoning

2. Problem statement

3. Approach: QA-GNN

fig2 QA context [q;a] as input

  1. LM –> representation for the context + retrieve subgraph $\mathcal{G}_{sub}$
  2. joint graph by introducing QA context node z –> $\mathcal{G}_W$ (# 3.1) introduce a QA context node z that represents the QA context, and connect z to the topic entities Vq,a so that we have a joint graph over the two sources of knowledge
  3. calculate relevance score as an additional feature (# 3.2)
  4. attention-based GNN module (# 3.3)
  5. make prediction using (# 3.4)
    • the LM representation,
    • QA context node representation
    • a pooled working graph representation

3.1 Joint graph representation


3.2 KG node relevance scoring

motivation: subgraph too big and too many irrelevant nodes

\[\rho_v=f_{head}(f_{enc}([text(z);text(v)]))\] too much weight on generic nodes ?

3.3 GNN architecture

leverage and update the representation of the QA context and KG 1

Node type & relation-aware message

Node type, relation, and score-aware attention

3.4 Inference & Learning

Given a question q and an answer choice a,probablity of it being an answer $p(a|q)\propto\exp(MLP(z^{LM},z^{GNN},g))$

用的 cross entropy loss

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