
Querying Knowledge via Multi-Hop English Questions (2019)

0. Abstract

difficulties to KRR

obstacles on the way to make AI based on the knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR):

current work

用的方法不是 machine learning 范畴的

1. Introduction

what does KRR need

controlled natural languages (CNL)

pros of CNL:

cons of CNL:

introduction of KALM



2. The KALM system

Syntatic parsing

Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) as the top level parser

frame-based parsing

Role-filler Disambiguation

一个verb可能对应很多不同的frame,要看两边的名词能不能fit frame 对应的 role filler 7

Constructing logical forms

sematic relations extracted via Ivps –>

details later

3. The MetaQA Dataset and Multi-Hop Questions

metaQA 对重复名字分辨不出来,里面有很多mislabeled questions

4. Constructing a KALM Parser via Structural Learning

这一节讲 frame-semantic parser 逐层的学习结构。

先看用来做 role-filler 的 grammer patterns 是怎么学出来的;再看 Ivp是怎么在 training sentence 上 generate 的

4.1 Learning Grammatical Patterns for Role -filler Extraction

用以下的 prolog extraction rules: 10

machine learning 的的那个意义上的learn? halo 不是很能理解?

reachability reasoning in DRS

embed the DRS in a graph structure:

  1. For each term in DRS, create a node in the graph.
  2. For any pair of nodes n1, n2 that represent the DRS subterms p1, p2 that share a variable, create a directed labeled edge n1 → n2 and back. The label of the edge n1 → n2 is the position of the shared variable in p1 and the edge n2 → n1 is labeled with the position of that variable in p2.
这里为什么用 position 来做 edge label?

5. Capturing the Meaning of Multi-Hop Questions in Logic

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